This page serves as a reliable answer to any common or frequently asked questions you may have about our Martial Arts program at P3!
Signing up for your martial arts classes is super easy through our “P3 Sportsplex” App! All you need to do is open the app, click the red “Class Schedule” at the top of your screen, and select your date/time you’d like to sign up for. Please be sure to register for a class two weeks in advance so we can account for appropriate staffing and gear! If you’re looking to enroll, contact our admin team between 9-6 and we’ll forward a link to you to complete enrollment!
In order to register for belt testing at P3, you’ll need to go to the “P3 Sportsplex” app and locate the “Shop” tab on the menu located at the bottom of your screen. If you’re testing for any color besides black, you’ll select the first “belt testing registration” option, but if you are testing for black, you’ll select the second option titled “Black Belt Testing Registration.” Once you’ve selected your respective category, scroll down and add your current belt color to the cart. DO NOT select the color you’re testing up for. So if you’re a white belt testing for yellow, you will select “White belt testing” as your option to proceed. Senior red belts are the only exception to this: They sign up for black belt testing. If you’re a testing yellow belt, you’ll notice that the price is significantly higher; this is because this is when you get all of your sparring gear! You can complete your purchase and registration after adding your belt color to your cart.
If you’d like to know or need a refreshing on what each belt requires for testing, you can locate this information on our app, “P3 Sportsplex.” If you go to the curriculum tab of the app, you can select “Martial Arts Information” and “Student Study Guide.” This provides a detailed layout of what each belt is expected to know for testing.
Here at P3 Sportsplex, we focus on TaeKwonDo and Ju-Jitsu in our programs! If you’d like an in-depth look at our curriculum for Lil’ Ninjas or board breaking, you can find it on our app, “P3 Sportsplex.” They’re both located on the home page!