It’s the new year 2020, and it’s about that time that everyone is starting their New Year goals/resolutions! If your resolution is any of the following:
. “I want to get in shape!”
. “I want to pick up where I left off when I was a kid!”
. “I want to try something new!”
. “I want to get out of my comfort zone, and try something that I wouldn’t normally do!”
. “I want to find new friends/ and or I want my kid(s) to make friends!”
These are just a couple of the amazing reasons to try P3 Martial Arts, but… then the panic starts to happen. This little voice in your head starts to find all these reasons NOT to do it! It speaks louder or quieter depending on who you are, but it’s in all of us! For EVERYBODY whether that voice has been keeping you from trying something new for days, or even years. We’re here to help, we know that sometimes it’s intimidating, and that’s perfectly okay! However, if you are sitting right now on the fence wondering if you should or not, just DO IT! Come in for your free class, and have a great time!